Thursday, August 20, 2009

Philosophy of Comedy, Grice, and I don't know anything

So, moments ago I used a joke about Paul Grice. I have to be honest with all three of you. I've never read Grice's stuff, or at least I don't remember reading any of it extensively. It's not right, right? The joke gets thrown around a lot in a few circles I run in and it's the following: "So-and-so didn't read their Grice." Basically, it means that so-and-so didn't understand context sensitive statements uttered by others because they were ignoring the conversational implicatures.

Again, dear reader, you're going to have to forgive me but I went to the SEP to check my facts and get straight in my head some of the details of his work. As I was reading I discovered and interesting case of statements, those kinds where the utterance has no meaning. Things like
(1): My neighbors three year old daughter is an orange.

My first thought was that it made sense for Grice to claim that some statements contain no meaning. Then I thought about how statements like this are very often jokes, but then I thought about how few people are going to laugh at sentences like (1) without extra content like sarcasm, in general- body language, and most importantly context

Too lame to finish this but i feel the pull of posting something.... I was going to try and develop a theory of comedy through grice's work


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